517-702-9835 Jlee@lismemphis.com

Recommended CLI Study Materials

The CLI Committee recommends the following publications for study on investigation techniques and procedures:

Code of Professional Conduct (2006 ed.)

Kitty Hailey, CLI
Lawyers and Judges Publishing Company
PO Box 30040
Tucson, AZ 85751
(800) 209-7109

Criminal Investigation for the Professional Investigator
Warren J. Sonne, CLI
CRC Press
270 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10016
(917) 351-7100

The Legal Investigator- Select articles from the publication will be provided to the applicant
“The Official Journal of NALI”
Editor, National Association of Legal Investigators, Inc.

Practical Handbook for Professional Investigators, 3rd Edition
Rory J. McMahon, CLI, CFE
CRC Press
270 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10016
(917) 351-7100

Techniques of Legal Investigation (3rd ed.)
Anthony M. Golec, CLI
Charles C. Thomas—Publisher, LTD
2600 South First Street
Springfield, IL 62717
(800) 258-8980

Practical Methods for Legal Investigations
Dean Beers, CLI
CRC Press
New York, NY 10016
(917) 351-7100

Uncovering Reasonable Doubt: The Component Method 
Brandon A Perron, CCDI
Investigative Support Specialist, Inc
416 S. Balboa Ave., Ste. 2
Stuart, FL 34994
(800) 465-5233

These are books that are recommended for every investigator, but will not necessarily be the basis of any questions used directly in the testing process. Concepts and ideas from the books may be used in answering questions.

Advanced Forensic Civil Investigations

Compiled by Paul J. Ciolino, CFE
Lawyers & Judges Publishing Company, Inc.
P.O. Box 30040-AJ
Tucson, AZ 85751-0040
(800) 209-7109

Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation (6th ed.)
Charles E. O’Hara and Gregory L. O’Hara
Charles C. Thomas—Publisher, LTD
2600 South First Street
Springfield, IL 62717
(800) 258-8980

The Professional Investigator
Kitty Hailey, CLI
211 South Street # 355
Philadelphia, PA19147

* Black’s Law Dictionary
Should be considered as another source for explanation of legal terms found in above publications.