The National Association of Legal Investigators thanks the following individuals who “have fully retired from active employment, either full-time or part time in the profession of a legal investigator”. Their contributions to the National Association of Legal Investigators is deeply appreciated. Many continue to attend NALI functions. They have worked hard to retire and, again, we truly thank them for their service to the Association. We wish them all Happy Retirement; They deserve it!
Stephen Lord
Lord Investigations, LLC
Willard Bonham
Advocate Investigation
David Chase
EBS Investigations
Davey Clark
Howell & Thornhill, P.A.
Gary Davis
Forensic Assessments, Inc.
Oliver Gray
Integrated Network
James Hayes
Joiner & Hayes Consultants & Inv.
Ted Hembree
Ted Hembree Legal Investigations
J. Mike Kelley
J. Mike Kelley Investigative Serv
Lewis Knecht
Lewis B. Knecht, Certified Legal
Michael Pierson
Law Firm of Thomas T. Anderson
Gary Scholtz
Gary Scholtz & Associates
Joseph Thornton
Joseph D. Thornton, LLC
Terence Keen
Terence Keen & Associates
Harriet Bretan
John Brumfield
Trial Services
Stephen Burton
Burton & Associates Inc
Luther Clinton
Thomas Collins
Brian Corliss
Brian H. Corliss & Associates
Jane Cracraft
PI Magazine
Lynne Curtis
Couger, Inc.
Richard Day
Richard Emmich
Richard A. Emmich CLI
Hal Flory
John Foster
Professional Investigators, Inc.
Donald Frick
Law Office of Donald S. Frick
Frank Gallagher
Carl Wray Gardner
Carolina Agents, Inc.
Donald Gisevius
Jane Grider
Investigations & Process Service
Elanor Hamilton
Hamilton Investigations
James Harbert
Technical Management Systems
M. Hubach
William Huffer
W.S. Huffer & Associates
Gary Hyatt
Gary Hyatt Investigations
Norman Jawitz
Joan Jordahl
Walter Kelly Lew Knecht
Alan Maher
Lawyers Service Bureau
Lester Mallette
Lester Mallette Investigations
Richard Marshak
Samuel Martin
Samuel P. Martin Jr. Private Inv.
Alton McLeroy
AKM, Inc.
Mike McPheters
Basin Investigations
Joseph Mendonca
CMS Professional Services
John Michael
Michael & Associates
Betty Miles-Smith
Betty Miles-Smith
Johanna Moore-Cudlip
John Morey
Morey’s Investigations
Chas. Morris
Edward Mullis
John Murray
J.W. Murray Jr., Investigation
John Nash
John C. Nash
Jack O’Donnell
Donald Oless
Don Oless Special Investigation
Howard O’Neil
Howard J. O’Neil
Elaine Parke
Gerry Patten
Patten Investigations
Doris Paxton
Doris Paxton
William Petraglia
Gold Star Investigative Services
Henry Radke
Eastern Bureau of Investigation
John Rennert
John R. Rennert Investigations
Ralph Roberts
Kenneth Robinson
Private Investigator Svcs.
Anthony Veich
Mickey Veich Consulting
James Walsh
Walsh Investigations
James Ware
Hair Wynn Newell & Newton
Ronald Watkins Sr.
Watkins Investigations
Richard Welby
C.V. Detectives
Alden Wolfe
Johnson, Clifton, Larson, et al
Grover Wright
Cleveland & Carl Investigation Co
Steven Youmans
Steven Youmans & Associates
Michael St. Vrain
St. Vrain Resources
John Blackburn
Blackburn Investigative Services
Robert L. Parke, CLI
Larry R. Troxel
Verdict Resources, Inc.
Kathleen Waesche
Black Diamond Legal Investigation
Joseph Laski, CLI
Joseph B. Laski & Associates
Samuel M. Yount
S. Yount Investigations, Inc.
Roy Pierce
Apollo Investigations, Inc.
Wayne Centanni
Centanni Investigative Agency
Terry Becker
Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi
John Yeaw
John Yeaw & Associates
Jim Carino
Executive Security Consultants
Joesph Bode
J & J Investigations
Julius Bombet
Bombet, Cashio, Darbonne & Associates
Daniel Calloway
Daniel Calloway Investigations
Christopher Eiben
The Research Group, Inc.
Bill Savage
Bill Savage Private Investigations
Tim Wilcox
International Investigators, Inc.
John Popiel
JB Investigations, LLC
James Ash
Ash Investigations
George Michael Newman
Tactical Investigative Services
Troy Locati, CLI
MacDonald Hoague & Bayless
Dave Watts
Allied Business Solutions
Dennis Waller
Waller & Associates, LLC
Hugh Rae
Back Up INC
Larry Peters
Larry A. Peters, Inc.
David Haubrich
Western Investigative Svcs., LLC
Warren Sonne
Sun State Investigative Services, Inc.
Stephen Goodenow
The Hawaii Investigative Group
Todd Bontecou
Bontecou Investigative Services
John Hoda, CLI
Hoda Investigations, LLC
Alan Goodman
Lawyers Investigating Service Inc
Patricia Shaughnessy
Investigative Resources Service, LLC
Gerald Whalen
James H Bowers, CLI
Legal Research Service LLC
William (Bill) Elliott, CLI, CCDI, CII
Steve Roadruck
Roadruck Investigations, Inc.
David Luther, CLI
Luther Investigations, L.L.C.
Peter Psarouthakis
EWI & Associates Inc.
Beth Courrau
Pinpoint Investigations, LLC
Michael West
UCMJ Investigation
Don C Johson, CLI
Trace Investigations
Rory McMahon, CLI
McMahon & Associates Det. Agy.
Jean Mignolet
Mignolet Business Research Con.
Michael Soresi
Soresi Legal Investigations, Inc.
Richard Barnes, CLI
Richard L. Barnes & Associates